Media Bias

Our goal is to expose propaganda peddled by the legacy media. On a daily basis the mainstream media pushes an anti-America agenda. Meanwhile, they try to censor any information that refutes their narrative by launching all-out smear campaigns to label it “misinformation.”

This data shows Americans are not being fooled by the leftist media’s lies about...

The Biden Administration and their cronies in the mainstream media keep feeding the narrative that the U.S. economy is improving. But as more and more...

MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Chuck Schumer just made up a conspiracy live on the...

The mainstream media has no problem letting leftist politicians make up conspiracy theories with no evidence. But like little kids, the more they are allowed...

CNN’s Abby Phillip just found out that she can’t speak the truth about Biden

Most of the media seem to keep their heads in the sand when it comes to Joe Biden. It seems the legacy media only is...