This Catholic Bishop just called Biden stupid for a very good reason

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Many politicians like to hide behind their church and faith to help justify their bad voting behaviors.

What is amazing is how many of them get away with this tactic even when the politician doesn’t really understand their church’s doctrine.

That is why this Catholic Bishop’s comments about Joe Biden’s lack of understanding about the Catholic faith just shocked everyone. 

A Saginaw, Michigan, Catholic Bishop mentioned Joe Biden during a lecture given on April 5th at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption.

During his “Forgiveness as the Heart of Christianity” lecture, Bishop Robert Gruss of the Diocese of Saginaw opined on the disparity between Biden’s professed Catholicism and the policies he champions as President.

Gruss urged those in attendance to let go of unproductive anger and resentment towards others.

He spoke about his own experience growing up with an alcoholic father and how he, many years later, wrote a letter forgiving him for the trauma of his youth.

The Bishop said that the destructive lack of forgiveness that is so pervasive these days doesn’t simply apply to familiar people but also to public figures.

Gruss said, to laugher from the audience, “How many times have you confessed your anger towards the President? I’m serious, I’m not kidding. If you have it, you should be confessing it. Otherwise, you’re not free.”

He then spoke about his own feelings of Biden, given the President’s support for abortion, and various parts of the LGBT agenda at odds with the church’s teachings.

He said that he pities Joe Biden.

Bishop: “I’m not angry at Biden, he’s just stupid. He doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.”

Gruss said, “I don’t have any anger towards the President. I feel sorry for him. I’m not angry at him, he’s just stupid. It’s not stupidity in the derogatory way, it’s stupidity in the sense of […] he doesn’t understand the Catholic faith.”

The audience laughed again, even though the bishop was serious in his delivery of the remarks.

Gruss later apologized for using the word ‘stupid’ but not for the substance of his remarks.

He said, “I was speaking in the context of forgiving the President and any people in government who offend us by their words and actions — that we cannot harbor resentment toward them because in doing so, it would be sinful. I used the word ‘stupid’ in reference to President Biden, recognizing that it was poor judgment in my choice of words. It was not meant to be disparaging, and I apologize.”

Biden frequently displeases church leaders

This incident is just the latest where Catholic church leaders have remarked about how Biden’s agenda is at odds with the church’s teachings.

In 2021, conservative Bishops organized a push, saying that Catholics who diverge from the church’s standpoint on abortion should be denied holy communion.

Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Fort Wayne and South Bend, Indiana, said, “We need to accept the discipline that those who obstinately persist in grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.”

Cardinal Raymond Burke previously said that politicians who “publicly and obstinately” support abortion are “apostates” who should not only be barred from receiving communion but deserve excommunication.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.