Pictures of two Miss America winners are setting the Internet on fire but for the wrong reasons

Photo by FransA from Pexels

Miss America pageants have celebrated the beauty and grace of women for generations now. 

However, as Bob Dylan said, “the times, they are a changin’.” 

And now pictures of these two Miss America winners are breaking the Internet – but not for the reasons you would expect. 

The oppression Olympics are in full swing

Woke zealots, the cancel culture outrage mob, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion fascists have teamed up to ruin American institutions and pieces of Americana. 

First, they took over academia, Big Media, Big Tech, and government agencies. 

Then they went after the culture by turning entertainment into propaganda. 

It wasn’t long before the world of sports followed suit.  You no longer need to be born a woman to compete in women’s sports. 

The radical leftists won’t be satisfied until they’ve changed the fabric of everything you once loved. 

Merit and achievement are being replaced with political identity box checking and virtue signaling. 

Winners are no longer determined by God-given talent, honed skills, and strong work ethics. 

Instead, awards, roles, and team spots are determined by victimhood status. 

The oppression Olympics truly are real, and they’re here. 

And that even goes for Miss America pageants. 

Miss Alabama shatters glass ceilings…and floors

The National American Miss (NAM) Pageant in Alabama is apparently breaking supposed “glass ceilings.” 

However, those “glass ceilings” were really protecting the definition of beauty. 

But the new Miss Alabama redefines the word completely. 

NAM awarded Sara Milliken with the crown of Miss Alabama due to her supposed “body positivity” message. 

Of course, “body positivity” really is just an excuse for people to feel good about their failure and excuse the “if it feels good, do it, damn the consequences” mentality. 

There’s nothing positive about a lifestyle that leads to heart disease by the age of 40. 

As you can see, Milliken is better suited for My 600 lbs. Life than she is Miss America. 

But, as one Twitter user pointed out, the judges crowned her queen of the beauty contest precisely because she’s not beautiful. 

Milliken is far larger than Yumi Nu – who got Dr. Jordan Peterson in heaps of trouble when he proclaimed, “sorry, not beautiful,” about the plus-sized model’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition cover. 

But at least Milliken is an actual woman.

Miss Maryland had one thing the rest of the candidates lacked

That’s more than the new Miss Maryland can say. 

This year’s Miss Maryland is Bailey Anne Kennedy – or at least that’s what he goes by now.

You see, Miss Maryland is actually a mister. 

And the first trans Miss Maryland is hoping his victory will inspire more children to identify as trans. 

“I knew that it was going to mean a lot for all the LGBTQ kids out there who might feel like they don’t belong in a box — like me growing up,” Kennedy said. 

Kennedy also said his Miss Maryland win would be a “delicious invitation for “trans kids to be themselves.” 

Feminists used to decry beauty contests. 

But instead of shutting them down – they simply took them over. 

And now confused men and the super morbidly obese – an actual category of obesity, just ask Dr. Nowzaradan – are setting the new standards for what beautiful women should look like.