Jill Biden was forced to pull Joe out of view during the D-Day ceremony after this happened

Chief National Guard Bureau from USA, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Celebrating America’s triumph over Hitler is something that everyone agrees was a great thing, so many politicians want to go to Normandy on the anniversary of D-Day.

But Joe Biden’s rapid decline made even this “safe” photo op a disaster for his campaign.

Joe was so bad that Jill Biden had to yank her husband off the stage when the unthinkable happened.

Wall Street Journal starts a fire on the Left

The Wall Street Journal sounded alarm bells in the Washington, D.C., Swamp with a story about how both Democrats and Republicans can tell in private meetings that President Joe Biden is losing it in terms of cognitive ability.

Democrats swear Biden is a lively wordsmith, but only behind doors.

Now that fake narrative is crumbling.

Sources described one meeting about Ukraine where Biden appeared to have nodded off and could only speak if he read prepared answers on note cards.

The Journal reported, “He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.”

Biden’s age—he would be 86 after another four years in office—is the albatross looming over the 2024 campaign for Democrats as the American public sees that Biden looks like the absent-minded invalid that The Journal’s sources described in private.

The pushback from the Democrat Media Complex was intense.

Flaks on behalf of the Biden administration went berserk.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates ranted, “It’s a little surprising that The Wall Street Journal thought it was breaking news when congressional Republicans told them the same false claims they’ve spouted on Fox News for years. . .But it’s also telling that the only individuals willing to smear the President in this story are political opponents afraid to use their names – plus one proven liar.”

Democrat-controlled media outlets also did their part to circle the wagons around Biden.

CNN’s Oliver Darcy wrote in his Reliable Sources newsletter that “[i]t is difficult to imagine that the newspaper, or any outlet, would run a similar story declaring that Trump is ‘slipping’ behind the scenes based on the word of top Democratic figures — despite the fact that the Democratic leadership has demonstrated a much stronger relationship with the truth in recent years than their Republican counterparts.”

Darcy lives in fantasyland.

Trump has been the target of many anonymously-sourced hit pieces in all directions.

But the press and the Democrats could not deny what the American people saw with their own eyes.

Biden’s bizarre episode

Joe Biden traveled to Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day, one of the most heroic moments in American military history.

This event is always a slam dunk for any American President.

But not for Joe Biden.

Prior to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin getting up to speak, Biden bizarrely roamed around, squatted down, then froze in place.

First Lady Jill Biden hurried him off the stage, leaving French President Emmanuel Macron to greet the heroes of the Normandy invasion.

Needless to say, the video of Biden’s episode went viral across social media.

If Democrats hoped to dispel the Wall Street Journal narrative that Biden is in mental decline, these D-Day videos set them back in a major way.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.