This reporter just thought she was interviewing Vince Young and the fail was epic

Photo by Adrian Curiel from Unsplash

We have all waved at someone who looked like someone we knew, but it turns out it was the wrong person.

But odds are you just smiled and walked away, but what if you do it on live television?

This sports journalist had an epic fail when she started interviewing the wrong person in one of the funniest cases of mistaken identity you will see.

Mistaken identity is always embarrassing

We all make mistakes.

It is just part of life.

And we have all made the mistake of misidentifying someone from afar.

You notice someone in public, think they are a friend or someone famous, and you run up to them. On closer inspection, you realize you are an idiot, and you just ran up to some random person.

There are only eight billion people in the world, so a handful of people are bound to look like each other.

But when we do this, at least it happens in private.

We aren’t running up to people on national television only to look like an idiot.

Well, unfortunately for one Golf Channel reporter, she had a case of misidentification live on air for millions of people to enjoy.

That ain’t Vince Young

Reporter Lauren Withrow made one of the worst blunders in live television history during the BMW Charity Pro-Am.

While live on the Golf Channel, Withrow ran up to a guy and started to list all the factoids and accomplishments of former college and NFL quarterback standout Vince Young.

You can tell Withrow was ready to interview Vince Young at the Pro-Am as she was naming off facts like ChatGBT about his career and dominant legacy in football.

She asked the golfer, “Six seasons in the NFL, arguably one of the best NCAA quarterbacks of all-time at Texas, picked up golf about four years ago. What’s the biggest shift you’ve made going from the ultimate team sport to the ultimate individual sport?”

The guy was stunned and didn’t really know what to say.

Then he uttered out to Withrow, “Now, I apologize. You have the wrong person. I’m Everette Sands. Which, I’m a football coach. But, the thing is, the great thing about golf is I’m not only competing against myself but I’m competing against everybody else.”

Withrow froze on the spot but did her best to continue the conversation.

She asked the random guy, “This is your first Pro-AM ever playing in, what’s the best part about being out here?”

The guy responded, “Being out here is a great thing. Having an opportunity to play with some professional golfers is an intimidating thing but also a great thing.”

The man was later identified as Citadel assistant football coach Everette Sands.

When you compare Vince Young to Everette Sands, they share nothing in common besides being two black guys out of their prime.

To her credit, Vince Young was at the Pro-Am.

But it is hard to tell why Withrow thought she was interviewing Vince Young.

But whatever the case, the situation made for some good fun that now everyone online can’t stop talking about.