The View might have hit a new low when they aired this episode

Screen Shot via YouTube, The View

The View has become the reserve of all things stupid regarding daytime political discussions.

The hosts simply spout DNC talking points. 

And The View might have hit a new low when they aired this episode.

Orange Man Bad media hysteria ramps up

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow took her brand of Trump Derangement Syndrome to The View.

With the November election right around the corner, Maddow has been particularly unhinged when it comes to Trump and the Republicans in general.

She floated the possibility that she and other Democrats would be put in camps.

Maddow said in a CNN interview, “For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

Maddow then appeared on The View, where co-host Joy Behar lapped up Maddow’s outrageous conspiracy theory.

Behar took it a step further and suggested that nobody would be safe from Trump’s re-education camps.

Behar baselessly speculated that Trump would use the federal government to seize control of networks like ABC and have shows such as The View yanked off the air for criticizing him.

“I’m right there with you. I think that he is so vindictive that he will go after [his critics] however he has to, whether it’s through the IRS maybe, or even through sponsors to get us off the air maybe or you. How seriously should we be taking that?” Behar posited.

Maddow went full Trump Derangement Syndrome and indulged Behar’s lunacy.

“I don’t think anyone is safe,” Maddow replied.

Democrats are masters of projection

All of Democrats’ fears about Trump are already being undertaken by Joe Biden.

Maddow fretted about a President weaponizing the federal government against his political opponents.

She said, “I think it’s bad having somebody saying give me as much power as you can in this country so I can use it to go after other Americans, so I can use it to go after these subhuman internal enemies and destroy them. That’s just not a good system.”

It’s already happening in America.

In April 2022, Biden leaked to the New York Times that he was furious Attorney General Merrick Garland was dragging his feet in prosecuting Trump.

Merely one week after Trump announced he was running for re-election, Garland unconstitutionally appointed rogue prosecutor Jack Smith as special counsel to run two separate witch hunts against Trump.

Biden’s FBI raided Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago as part of the classified document hoax.

Smith and fellow Democrat prosecutors Alvin Bragg and Fani Willis invented new legal theories to indict Trump, as well as his lawyers and associates.

Maddow claimed she and other media elites would be secure because they were all rich, but without a hint of self-awareness, Maddow then doubled down on her fear about a President accruing too much and targeting his enemies.

She concluded, “If he decides he’s going to go after you or me or anybody who is well known, we have resources, we’ll likely be fine, but I think there’s a pattern where he picks out individual people and effectively terrorizes them.”

Joe Biden and his allies in the Democrat-controlled media have smeared Trump as a “threat to democracy” on a daily basis.

Voters have tuned out that nonsense because they see the absurd lawfare being used to stop Trump from being President again.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.