Peter Doocy just exposed this disturbing video of Joe Biden that is even shocking Leftists

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

No one can deny Joe Biden’s cognitive decline is now impossible to ignore.

Biden’s fitness for office has now become a top issue in the 2024 Presidential election.

And Peter Doocy just exposed this one disturbing video of Joe Biden that made even the most jaded Leftist gasp.

Joe Biden’s latest P.R. nightmare

Joe Biden recently traveled to Italy for the G-7 Summit.

These meetings usually provide an easy opportunity for the White House to display the sitting President as the strong and capable leader of the free world.

At the conclusion of the summit, the President usually makes some announcement about how he was able to wrangle the other world leaders of the seven biggest economies into promoting efforts that advance some aspect of the President’s agenda.

It’s supposed to be an easy layup that helps boost the President’s poll numbers on the question of strong leadership. 

But for Joe Biden, these long trips usually turn into political dumpster fires as the lengthy flights, jet lag, and time difference expose him as a decrepit mess.

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy made Biden’s physical and mental limitations the focus of his report on Biden’s activities at the G-7.

In a report on Fox & Friends, Doocy used the fact that Joe Biden’s grandchildren accompanied him on the trip to refer to Biden as “Grandpa.”

“[Hunter Biden] himself not traveling outside the country as he awaits sentencing, but it appears all of his adult children made the trip to Italy with Grandpa,” Doocy stated.

Biden’s decline was on full display at the G-7

Co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Doocy if Biden attended the traditional kickoff dinner with his fellow G-7 leaders.

Doocy noted that Biden’s team loves to promote Biden as the consummate dealmaker who can connect with his fellow heads of state on a personal level to advance the American agenda.

“No, and they told us not to read too much into it, but this is a person, especially in an election year, who bills himself as a statesman and as somebody who can get a lot of things done because he has such great skills dealing with other people at the leader level,” Doocy began.

But in this case, Biden was too old and frail to even attend the opening dinner as he has to rest on the first day of his international trips because the lengthy flight exacts a toll on Biden both physically and mentally.

“I would note that it’s probably because they do like to have him down for as much as possible the first day that he goes anywhere overseas, and that has just proven, that is just born out with trip after trip after trip abroad, including last week in France. We got there a day early, we were ready to go and then at like ten in the morning local time, he just went right to bed,” Doocy added.

Doocy then went to a shocking video of a confused Biden aimlessly wandering around as Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and her fellow world leaders had to embarrassingly direct Joe Biden.

“But when you look at this video, they . . . The president seems like he is, as staff probably instruct him, just, ‘We’re going to take a picture and then get out of there as quickly as possible.’ But he’s not just looking for his own staff. They’ve got the staffers of the leaders of the seven largest economies,” Doocy added.

“So he’s looking out there. He’s probably seeing people pointing in a bunch of different directions, and it looks like he did . . . There was a little roadblock there, the Italian Prime Minister, but he got out of there. And, within the next hour or so, we think we’re going to see them in a working meeting,” Doocy concluded.

The political effects of Biden’s decline

A JL Partners poll recently found the number one word voters associate with Joe Biden is “old.”

Images like this one of Biden being led around by the hand because international travel puts too great a strain on his 81-year-old body and mind won’t win over swing voters who are moving away from Biden.

They simply no longer view him as fit for office.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.