New Yorkers are getting nervous now that this group is getting more organized

Photo by Roberto Vivancos from Pexels

Millions of illegal aliens have flooded America since Joe Biden took power. 

Local governments are being strained to keep up with all the demands of uninvited refugees pouring into their towns. 

And now New Yorkers are getting nervous as this mob of illegal aliens have banded together to stir up trouble. 

Joe Biden’s open border policies have wreaked havoc on the Big Apple

From the moment that Joe Biden entered the White House, marauding caravans of illegal aliens started flowing across America’s southern border. 

Many of these illegal aliens have flocked to America’s urban centers, draining precious resources and, at times, shutting down public services. 

New York City, for example, has seen a massive surge in illegal immigration. 

Public schools have doubled as migrant shelters, hotels have been forced to house illegal aliens, and reports of migrant-run criminal enterprises such as brothels have emerged. 

Many New Yorkers have become overwhelmed with this migration surge, which has completely changed their lives. 

Nonetheless, a large group of illegal aliens and their sympathizers gathered together on Thursday in Times Square, where they blocked traffic.

These angry protestors shouted slogans such as “abolish ICE,” referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Republican New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino commented on these protests, lamenting the protestors and their demands. 

Paladino said on X, “People here illegally are demanding we abolish the means to remove them. This isn’t spontaneous, they’re being organized by activist nonprofits with lavish funding, including taxpayer money and corporate donations.”

“Let’s be very clear — political agitation by individuals in this country illegally should result in IMMEDIATE deportation. You have no right to the political process here, and you certainly have no right to disrupt the function of our city,” the fed-up New York Republican added. 

A closer look reveals that many of these protestors are a part of the radical Desde Abajo [From Below] Labor Enforcement (DALE) group. 

Despite these protests, many New Yorkers have grown tired of the recent surge of illegal aliens and the chaos that comes with them.

Earlier this week, a 19-year-old illegal alien from Venezuela named Bernardo Castro Mata opened fire on two NYPD officers after they attempted to stop him as part of a theft investigation. 

Fortunately, both of the officers survived this horrific shooting, and Mata sits in prison waiting for trial for two counts of attempted murder. 

Illegal immigration could play a profound role in the upcoming elections

Many political experts agree that the wide-open state of the southern border, and the migration that has ensued, could play a major role this November. 

Voters across the nation have seen their communities struggle to keep up with the demands of illegal aliens, who often speak little to no English and have very little money. 

Schools, recreation centers, and even hotels have shuttered their doors to accommodate these illegal aliens, making life very different for people in many American cities.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.