Joe Biden was caught on video touching the Pope in this disturbing way that has people creeped out

Photo by Long Thiên , CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

YouTube is full of videos showing President Biden sniffing children and getting handsy with supporters.

While the media tries to ignore this bizarre behavior, Joe Biden really crossed the line this time.

Now Joe Biden has been caught on video touching the Pope in this disturbing way that has people creeped out.

Joe Biden horrifies Argentinian President by cuddling with the Pope

Joe Biden’s trip to Italy for the G-7 Summit was a political nightmare for Biden and a national embarrassment for the United States.

All the foreign press could talk about after the trip was the alarming state of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

Bizarre videos like the one of Biden nuzzling the forehead of Pope Francis while Argentinian President Javier Milei looked on in horror went viral, reaffirming in the minds of Americans that Biden is mentally enfeebled.

What Joe Biden could learn from Milei

Milei’s election in Argentina shocked the leftist elites and should have served as a warning for Biden.

Campaigning as a right-leaning libertarian, Milei defeated the leftist party that had ruled Argentina as an inflation rate of 25 percent turned voters against the government.

Milei promised to shut down entire government agencies and expunge woke ideology from the government.

And upon taking office, Milei killed two birds with one stone by closing the Ministry of Culture.

Unlike Joe Biden, who has made inflation worse, Milei knew that job number one was getting skyrocketing prices under control.

And his “shock therapy” economics of rolling back command and control economic policies worked.

Argentina’s inflation rate had already fallen all the way down to four percent in May.

The Argentine Senate also passed Milei’s economic reform proposal by 37-36 margin.

This proposal strips union bosses of their power, privatizes government agencies, and rolls back 350 socialist economic policies.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo pointed to the declining inflation rate as evidence Milei’s economic policies were working,

“With the May data, the ongoing disinflation process deepened. The 3-month moving average of the National CPI variation was at its lowest level since July 2023, and was almost 6 points lower than the 6-month moving average,” Caputo stated.

“This last indicator, which still incorporates the months where the main relative price adjustments took place (exchange rate, goods and services under price controls and utility tariffs), is already the lowest since December,” Caputo continued.

“We are getting closer to building the country we want,” Caputo added.

“Let’s recover hope and pride in being Argentines,” Caputo emphasized.

Joe Biden is, of course, taking the opposite approach.

Biden won’t sign any government funding bills that shutter agencies or even scale back the increase in spending.

And with the help of RINOs like former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Biden signed legislation allowing him to run up unlimited debt until January 1, 2025.

As a result of Bidenonmics, prices are up over 19 percent since Biden took office, and voters are furious.

Americans are hurting while Biden is busy touching the Pontiff and losing his faculties.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.