Fani Willis was left speechless after the Supreme Court handed down one ruling

Photo by Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia,

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ legal problems continue to mount as her case against Donald Trump continues to implode.

Everyday, a new scandal emerges and has now completely engulfed her life. The entire Fulton County DA’s office is looking like a John Grisham novel. 

And Willis was left speechless after the Supreme Court handed down one ruling.

Georgia State Supreme Court vs. Fani Willis

District Attorney Fani Willis’ office is currently in the middle of a RICO trial, the same charges brought against Donald Trump, for rapper Young Thug, whose real name is Jeffery Lamar Williams.

The trial went off the rails when Williams’ lawyer Brian Steel learned about a secret meeting between a prosecutor working for Willis, Judge Ural Glanville, and witness Kenneth Copeland.

In the meeting, Glanville and Willis’ prosecutor attempted to pressure Copeland into testifying against Williams.

Steel exposed the meeting in open court, which triggered Judge Glanville to attempt to turn Steel into the wrongdoer by demanding  he reveal the source that told him about the ex parte meeting.

Steel refused and Judge Glanville held Steel in contempt of court and sentenced him to 20 days—weekend confinement for ten weeks—in jail as punishment.

Steel requested that he be jailed in the same facility as his client Williams so they could use the time to prepare for trial.

The judge’s abuse of power sparked national outrage.

Fortunately, the Georgia State Supreme Court stepped in and rectified the matter.

The court granted Steel bond and stayed the court order to get him out of jail time.

The aftermath

Defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant represented Steel in the contempt matter and praised the court for dealing with the matter so swiftly.

Merchant declared, “We are thrilled that Brian will be home with his family for Father’s Day this weekend. . .We appreciate how quickly and thoughtfully our appellate courts handled this unfortunate situation.”

Willis and her office must now consider Merchant a mortal enemy, as she is the lawyer for Trump co-defendant Mark Roman.

It was Merchant who originally filed the motion to disqualify Fani Willis from the Trump prosecution due to a conflict of interest.

Merchant was the attorney who discovered Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade had a sexual relationship, which Merchant argued created the conflict since Willis financially benefited from Wade’s employment on the case.

Merchant even alleged that Willis committed honest services fraud crimes by having Wade work for her, then going on lavish vacations with Wade on the taxpayers’ dime.

Now Merchant is making life a living hell for Willis’ office yet again.

A judge holding clandestine meetings with a prosecutor and witness without defense counsel present is a big no-no, and Willis’ office could be in trouble.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.