Caitlin Clark just got slammed with one sad truth that will leave her seething

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Women’s basketball phenom Caitlin Clark entered the WNBA with more fanfare than any basketball rookie since LeBron James in 2003.

Clark has been a fan favorite since her 2023 season in college, and her entrance into the league was supposed to lift the WNBA to heights never seen.

But instead of celebrating this new WNBA success, woke leftists are attacking Clark’s entrance into the league.

WNBA players jealous of Clark’s talent

Before Caitlin Clark entered the WNBA, players and coaches risked their lives and freedom to play in Russia just to make ends meet.

But now, since day one of Clark’s entry into the league, record numbers of fans are attending games and watching them on TV.

Since Clark began her rookie season, the teams now fly charter jets and the league is negotiating a massive new TV deal that could triple media rights fees that will greatly increase player salaries.

And yet, despite all this new success in the league because of Clark’s appearance, she’s been the subject of racist attacks, physical and verbal abuse, and outright assault and battery simply because she’s straight and white.

The Connecticut Suns’ DiJonai Carrington is one player who just can’t handle the fact that Clark is wildly popular with fans.

Carrington attacked Clark, claiming she was a secret white supremacist because she attempted to stay out of the discussion about her impact on the league and the other player’s reaction.

“Dawg, how one cannot be bothered by their name being used to justify racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia & the intersectionalities of them all is nuts. We all see the s***. We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury,” Carrington wrote on X.

The WNBA players are proving to be more unlikable and repellent than the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team.

Carrington, and others like her, were apparently happier when everyone ignored the league and the players had to work second jobs.

She let the new fans who began watching the league know that most of the players are a bunch of woke leftists who see the WNBA as a platform for their grievance politics.

“Unfortunately for yall new fAnS, we do not just ‘shut up and dribble’ here. Ya picked the wrong league,” Carrington posted on social media.

Carrington references Laura Ingraham

The phrase “shut up and dribble” is a shout back to Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s 2018 feud with NBA star LeBron James.

In February of that year, James attacked then-President Donald Trump. 

“The No. 1 job in America, the appointed person is someone who doesn’t understand the people,” James told ESPN’s Cari Champion.

James then called some of Trump’s comments “laughable and scary.”

Ingraham mocked James and referenced her 2006 book Shut up and Sing, which took left-wing Hollywood elites to task for attempting to lecture Americans on politics.

“It’s always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball,” Ingraham stated.

“Keep the political comments to yourselves. […] Shut up and dribble,” Ingraham concluded.

Unless Carrington and the rest of the WNBA take that advice, the league will continue to lose millions, and new fans will simply go away.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.