Brittney Griner shared one photo that proved the radical Left have taken over America

Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

WNBA star Brittney Griner drew international headlines when she was arrested in Russia on drug charges.

Because she is a black, lesbian, leftist celebrity, Joe Biden gave up a dangerous arms dealer known as the “Merchant of Death” in a prisoner exchange to get her out of a Russian prison.

Now Griner just exposed her disgust with traditional American values when she flashed this picture on social media.

The Left have been dominating the culture war in America for decades.

Christianity and traditional values have been undermined systematically through the educational system, the news media, and entertainment media. 

The Left vigorously promote taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand up to the point of birth, and some states even allow babies to be left for dead in botched abortions.

They have attacked prayer in schools, and have sought to erase any semblance of Christianity from the public square.

The Left are brainwashing and propagandizing innocent children with inappropriate discussions about sexuality and radical gender ideology.

Leftists hate when conservatives point all of this out, and blame the Right for waging culture wars.

In reality, the Right have been in retreat for decades.

The Left’s dominance in the culture war has led to moral rot.

For instance, June is now the month where the sin of pride is openly celebrated.

During the month of June, the Left shoves the LGBTQ agenda down the throats of the American public.

The movement that began with calls to be treated equally under the law has morphed into an entire cottage industry and celebration of degeneracy; the Left cheer at the sight of children at Pride parades where naked men in gimp suits lead each other around by the collar.

And WNBA star Brittney Griner recently fired another shot in the culture war.

Griner has long been a vocal supporter of the “woke” agenda, which has shielded her from criticism regarding past instances of domestic violence, a problem within the lesbian community that largely goes unspoken.

In 2020, Griner was part of a movement to stop playing the National Anthem before games in response to the death of George Floyd.

Joe Biden traded convicted arms dealer Viktor Bout, the “Merchant of Death,” for Griner in a prisoner swap deal with Russia in 2022.

Griner pleaded guilty to drug possession charges after getting caught with cannabis oil and a vape pen at an airport in Russian, where the drug laws are very strict.

Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian prison, but was released after Biden made the trade.

She recently made the Team USA Women’s Basketball Team, and will be representing the country in the 2024 Paris Olympics.

And on Monday, Griner posted a photo, honoring the coming of her first child, where she posed topless with  the pregnant woman she married.


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Donald Trump was correct when he called Griner “a basketball player who openly hates our Country.”

But Griner has been used as a pawn in a much deeper culture war.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.