Alvin Bragg is spitting mad about this reaction to Donald Trump’s conviction

Screenshot via YouTube, Alvin Bragg

Alvin Bragg had one job – to convict Donald Trump in the hopes of damaging his campaign for President.

So, he made up crimes out of thin air to charge Trump with and got a friendly judge as well as the jury he needed to secure the guilty verdict.

But Alvin Bragg is spitting mad after he learned about America’s reaction to Donald Trump’s conviction.

New Emerson poll shows Trump’s conviction fails to move voters

The latest national poll from Emerson College showed former President Donald Trump still leading President Joe Biden 46 to 45 percent.

Trump’s vote share was unchanged from the previous Emerson poll taken before the conviction.

And the recent poll showed Trump’s conviction made almost as many voters more excited to vote for Trump as less likely to vote for him.

“Data released by Emerson College on Thursday showed that 27% of voters say they are more likely to back the former President after he was found guilty in his hush money trial in Manhattan. A third of voters said the conviction makes them less likely to vote for Trump in November, while 40% said the conviction does not influence their decision at all,” Mediaite reported.

Executive director of Emerson College Polling, Spencer Kimball, marveled at the continued strength of Trump’s support.

“Trump’s support in our polling remained the same before and after his conviction,” Kimball stated.

Political pundits had long predicted a conviction would swing voters away from Trump.

But that proved not to be the case in Emerson’s poll.

“A majority of Democrats say it makes them less likely to support Trump (51%) and a majority of Republicans (55%) say it makes them more likely to support Trump. A plurality of independents say it makes no impact (41%), while 38% are less likely to vote for Trump and 21% more likely,” Kimball added.

Suburban voters continue to stand with Trump

Elections are largely decided in the nation’s suburbs.

Joe Biden carried suburban voters 50 to 48 in 2020.

Trump won this critical voting block 50 to 45 over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Election.

Contrary to the pundit’s predictions, the conviction didn’t move suburban voters an inch.

Emerson found Trump leading Biden 48 to 44 in the suburbs.

“Suburban voters break for Trump over Biden, 48% to 44%, with a gender divide: suburban men break for Trump 57% to 35% while suburban women break for Biden 53% to 38%,” Kimball continued. 

Even Trump’s numbers with independents were good.

Biden carried independents by 13 points in 2020.

This poll showed him only leading by two.

“Biden edges out Trump among independent voters, 43% to 41%, with 17% undecided,” Kimball concluded.

Democrats didn’t indict Donald Trump four times because they thought he needed to be held accountable for any actual crimes.

Prosecutors like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted Trump under political pressure from their base and because he decided to run for President.

But the politics of the conviction are leaving Democrats at a loss because branding Trump as a convicted felon was supposed to be their ace in the hole.

Clearly that plan did not pan out for them.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.