Senator John Kennedy’s take on Biden’s latest border move is right on the money

Photo by Tammy Anthony Baker, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia,

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy not only wants to take away Joe Biden’s car keys, he is also furious about the mess Biden has made at the border.

He has a no holds barred view of Biden’s cognitive abilities as well as his latest border move.

Many Americans think John Kennedy’s take on Joe Biden’s latest border press conference and Executive Orders to give amnesty for illegal aliens is right on the money.

Senator Kennedy reacts to shocking Joe Biden scene

Joe Biden has recently tried to seize control of the narrative over the crisis on the Southern border.

Of course, it was Biden who opened the floodgates for millions of illegal aliens to march into the country.

Now, with just five months remaining until the November election, polls continue to show Donald Trump still leading.

So, Biden tried to put on a dog and pony show in the hopes the American people would forget he was the one who created the border crisis in the first place.

Biden signed a toothless executive order he laughably claimed was about closing the border, but in fact was just all for show. 

Because in reality, it contained so many exceptions and loopholes that its true purpose was in fact to codify open borders.

Biden announced the order in a bizarre scene where he mumbled his way through his remarks before he crept out of the room without taking any questions.

Laura Ingraham interviewed Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on her Fox News show.

Ingraham showed the clip of Biden at the announcement and asked Kennedy if he could explain the contents of the executive order since it was clear Biden could not.

“Do you think you have a mastery of all these details? The threshold numbers, the 14 days, thereafter we will exempt,” Ingraham stated.

Kennedy first expressed sorrow over Biden’s condition.

“It’s sad, Laura,” Kennedy began.

Kennedy then told Ingraham the only thing Biden could do effectively right now is serve as the pitchman for products aimed at senior citizens.

Kennedy also said if he saw his own father was in the same condition Biden was in, he wouldn’t even let him drive anymore.

“The highest and best use of the President’s time at this point would be selling catheters on late-night TV. I mean, it really is sad. We all know someone who’s reached that age. We wouldn’t even think of giving him or her the toughest job in the world. If the President were my father, I’d take away his car key,” Kennedy added.

Kennedy blasts Biden on the border

Earlier in the day, Kennedy slammed Biden’s executive order as nothing more than a politically-motivated stunt.

“I want you to listen up. President Biden is in trouble politically. He’s polling right up there with fungal infections!” Kennedy declared at a press conference where Republicans blasted Biden’s too little, too late executive order on immigration.

Joe Biden has previously issued over 90 executive orders about immigration and the border.

Every single one of them loosened enforcement and opened the border further.

But now Biden is terrified voters will hold him accountable for aiding and abetting the entry of nearly 10,000,000 illegal aliens into America.

But instead of taking real action to fix the problem, Biden once again just acted for show and hoped no one noticed.

But Senator Kennedy, and millions of Americans, did notice.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.