Man stopped by the TSA gets caught carrying unusual cargo

Photo by Grpavich, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The TSA has to be on constant alert while they look for suspicious items before people board a plane.

For the most part, these government agency workers don’t see too many things that are outrageous or over the top. 

However, one man who was recently stopped by the TSA got caught carrying some rather unique and unusual cargo at the airport.

TSA flags man carrying cans of SPAM at airport

The TSA usually looks for things like knives, guns, or even explosives, but one Massachusetts man went viral after he got pulled to the side for a bag check at the airport.

Singer Joel Libed says he was traveling with a group that was part of the professional Irish dancing show, A Taste of Ireland, where they visited the town of Austin, Minnesota.

The town is home to the SPAM museum, and the group decided to visit the spot.

“When we got to Austin, I told everyone I wanted to visit the museum. Unfortunately, we only had about 20 minutes to visit but the workers there were so kind and welcoming,” said Libed.

The 33-year-old singer grew up in Hawaii, where SPAM is a vital part of the local cuisine, and he says it has been one of his favorite foods for years.

He said, “Being from Hawaii, SPAM is a huge cultural root in our society and it’s a trendy dish.”

Since there were only 20 minutes available to visit the museum, Libed said he didn’t get a chance to explore everything SPAM-related.

However, when he got ready for his show later that evening, he got an incredible surprise.

“One of the ladies who is doing our costumes for the show worked at the museum. I told her that I’m from Hawaii and I grew up on SPAM and I love it so much,” he said.

“She left the theater and came back with an entire case of SPAM for me! I was so thrilled! So, I ended up lugging around that case of SPAM for the rest of my tour,” Libed added.

Several weeks later, Libed headed back home to Massachusetts when the tour ended, noting that his luggage was overweight: “So I took all the SPAM in my carry-on.”

That’s when TSA agents pulled him aside and opened his luggage, pulling out over half a dozen cans of SPAM.

“I’m so embarrassed”

The SPAM incident went viral in a TikTok video where Libed can be heard saying, “So it’s all – it’s a case of SPAM that I’m taking. I’m so embarrassed.”

Fortunately, the TSA agents took everything in stride as they did a full search of his luggage.

Not only did Libed have the original SPAM, “But I also got turkey, maple, jalapeno, tocino (Filipino sausage), teriyaki, and a few others,” he said.

The video now has over 4 million views and 400,000 likes.

Several people commented that they didn’t know SPAM had so many different flavors.

Meanwhile, Libed said, “SPAM reached out and loved the video and [is] sending me more to try. It’s been a fun ride and I’m loving the support.”

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.