Liz Cheney is sweating bullets after one January 6 bombshell

Photo by Milonica, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia,

Liz Cheney was one of the main drivers of the January 6 Committee witch hunt.

The committee was used to give Democrats a boost in the 2022 midterms and establish a legal case against Donald Trump.

But now it’s Cheney who is sweating bullets after this Congressman just exposed this one January 6 bombshell.

January 6 Committee has some explaining to do

One of the juiciest moments of the January 6th Committee hearings came when former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified in the summer of 2022.

Hutchinson, former top aide to Donald Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, told a harrowing tale of how Trump supposedly attacked his Secret Service limo driver and tried to take hold of the steering wheel.

According to Hutchinson, Trump was insistent upon going to the Capitol following his speech, but the Secret Service would not let him.

There was just one problem with Hutchinson’s story that garnered so much media attention.

It was fake.

The Secret Service limo driver sought to testify before the January 6 Committee to set the record straight.

However, Liz Cheney and her fellow committee members dragged their feet and ran out the clock.

Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) is running the investigation into the January 6th Committee’s conduct, and he made another shocking discovery.

Loudermilk revealed these stunning details in an interview with Just the News, No Noise.

Loudermilk on the hunt

Loudermilk explained that the driver and the head of Trump’s Secret Service detail were not brought in by the J6 Committee to testify until November.

Loudermilk said, “We’re talking about the driver of the limousine, and the head of the entire protective detail. . .They were brought in by the select committee to testify, but they weren’t brought in until November.”

Loudermilk explained that Hutchinson testified in June and that the limo driver’s attorney roasted the committee for slow-playing his client’s numerous offers to testify.

“It was in June when they paraded Hutchinson before the world, and they let the world hear the stories. And what’s interesting is in the very beginning of the driver’s testimony, his attorney starts off by chastising the select committee,” Loudermilk continued.

The Congressman added, “And he said we offered to come in July, August, September, and now it’s November. So we found out for the first time that the driver had been offering to come in and testify under oath as far back as just a few weeks after Cassidy made these claims, but the select committee would not bring them in.”

Liz Cheney under the microscope

Just the News reported that it was Liz Cheney who offered a number of paper-thin excuses about why they didn’t bring in the limo driver to testify sooner than November.

The outlet reported that the “transcript also shows that Cheney tried to explain to the driver’s lawyer why there was such a long delay in accepting his offer to testify, claiming the committee wanted to wait until the Secret Service produced all documents in the January 6 investigation.”

But that does not add up because Hutchinson testified before the Secret Service produced all the requisite documents.

The truth is that the committee wanted Hutchinson’s testimony to go unchallenged through the midterms.

Loudermilk dismissed the explanation given by Cheney.

“Well, it’s kind of clear that it either was the worst case of preserving documents in the history of the House of Representatives, or that they were only trying to keep those testimonies away,” Loudermilk declared.

“Because, you know, immediately they bring Cassidy Hutchinson to the forefront, then they wait until November to even bring in the Secret Service agent,” Loudermilk concluded.

That allowed Hutchinson’s fantastical tale about Trump violently attacking his own people to stand in the minds of midterm voters for months. 

Several of Trump’s endorsed candidates in key Senate and gubernatorial elections lost in large part due to GOP defections over January 6.

The J6 Committee played a crucial role in the 2022 midterms.

And that was always the point.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.