Bill Burr goes to Berkeley and lets the Left know exactly what he thinks of them

Photo by Stanley Morales from Pexels

Comedians used to be unabashed social commentators who held a mirror up to society and deflated the ego of the smug.

But with “cancel culture” in full bloom, many comedians have shied away from talking about Trump, liberals, and BLM.

But Bill Burr refuses to back down to the woke mob and went to Berkeley, CA, and told leftists exactly what he thinks of them.

Bill Burr tells UC Berkeley audience he hates liberals

Red-headed comedian Bill Burr is known for having strong opinions.

The comedian reportedly told his audience at UC Berkeley’s campus, “I f—king hate liberals.”

He also called out the hypocrisy of people on the left as he took the stage at the sold-out show.

While it may seem surprising that Burr chose the location at Berkeley’s Greek Theatre for a standup show, the crowd loved his act.

Burr made jokes about the Israel-Hamas war, transgenderism, and Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, among other hot topics.

According to a report from the San Francisco Chronicle, he also called out liberals, specifically white liberals, during the show. 

It was clear that the King of Staten Island star had an issue with the hypocrisy of liberals more than he did with any one specific political stance.

He joked about how white liberals put Black Lives Matter signs on their windows but don’t actually do any real work to fight white supremacy.

“That’s like if I told you my great-grandmother in Germany had a ‘Knock it off Nazis’ sign,” he quipped.

The comedian didn’t explain what a white liberal should do to help stop “white supremacy” in America after he made the joke.

However, he did warn his audience against people who call themselves “empaths,” which he said is just another way to describe people who use virtue signaling.

“If you run into a white person who says they’re an empath, run the other way,” he said.

Burr explained that white, self-described empaths are typically the type of people who “like making other peoples’ suffering about [themselves].”

The comedian also made it a point to note how fast the typically liberal UC Berkeley crowd laughed at his joke about Joe Biden having dementia.

Burr spurred applause

Although Burr teased the crowd during his show, it wasn’t all just jokes about liberals.

He was met with thunderous applause after mentioning that he had been taking psychedelic mushrooms, and the response caught him a bit off guard.

“Jesus, you guys are so supportive,” he said in reaction to the applause.

He also got a positive reaction from the crowd when he made fun of “tech bros” and called them “nerds” who are “way more dangerous.”

However, Burr often takes an outspoken stance on liberals, and this wasn’t the first time he had made public comments.

Burr told Jimmy Kimmel last year that anti-Trump “idiot liberals” were making Donald Trump a martyr.

He also said that their behavior would likely give the former president a “come back.”

“Liberals are so f—king stupid, the way that they handle Trump,” and afterward told Kimmel, “You should shut up” about Trump.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.