A Congressional investigator just hit Jen Psaki with an ultimatum that has Joe Biden shaking in his boots

Photo by United States Mission Geneva, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Jen Psaki thought she’d jumped ship from the Biden regime at the perfect time to maximize her earning potential as a media talking head while avoiding Joe Biden’s ultimate downfall.

But she simply couldn’t resist the urge to spew Democrat propaganda for personal profit.

And a Congressional investigator just hit Jen Psaki with an ultimatum that has Joe Biden shaking in his boots.

Democrats are getting sloppy with their propaganda

Former Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently followed the ruling class elites’ easy payday blueprint by releasing her memoir, Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World, last month.

Of course, calling it a memoir is a bit of a stretch, considering the fact that a memoir is supposed to be a historical record of events based on the personal observations of the person writing it, and not propaganda filled with countless verifiable lies.

Nevertheless, Psaki’s book focuses heavily on her time in the Biden White House, and as a result, the former Biden Press Secretary seemed to feel as though it was her duty to defend the Democrat President at all costs.

In the book, Psaki took particular issue with those who have come forward to criticize Biden for checking his watch while attending the dignified transfer service of American soldiers being brought home after losing their lives in Kabul, Afghanistan, as a result of his failed withdrawal, claiming it never happened until the service ended and that any suggestion otherwise was “misinformation” intended to make Biden “appear insensitive.”

“The president looked at his watch only after the ceremony had ended,” Psaki wrote in Say More. “Moments later, he and the First Lady headed toward their car.”

Of course, those who largely criticized Biden for his behavior at the service, and originally brought it all to light, were the families of the American soldiers who’d lost their lives.

“As my son and the rest of our fallen heroes were being taken off the plane yesterday I watched you disrespect us all five different times by checking your watch,” Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui’s mother, Shana, wrote in an August 2021 Facebook post directed at Biden.

“While I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, ‘It’s two f**king thirty, a**hole,’” Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz’ father, Mark, said in a statement directed at Biden during a Congressional roundtable in 2023.

There’s also the fact that USA Today, the Associated Press, Snopes, and all sorts of other left-wing propaganda outlets also published images, video, and fact checks in which they confirmed that Biden did, in fact, look at his watch throughout the service.

Psaki suddenly doesn’t want to Say More

Regardless, Psaki’s unquenchable desire to spread propaganda for Biden has now caused one Congressional investigator to issue her an ultimatum.

In a letter obtained by The Daily Caller, Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) threatened to subpoena Psaki if she continued to ignore the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s original request for her to sit for a transcribed interview as part of its investigation into Biden’s failed Afghanistan withdrawal.

“Your client Jen Psaki has failed to adequately respond to my letter dated May 21, 2024, requesting that she appear before the Committee for a transcribed interview relating to my investigation into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan,” McCaul wrote in his letter to Psaki’s attorney. “As you know, I requested a response from Ms. Psaki by May 28, 2024, which has now passed. Your client’s disregard for my request is an affront to this Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives.”

And best of all, McCaul pointed out that because the former Biden Press Secretary has already given her supposed insight into the very matter he’s investigating “for public consumption and personal profit,” she has no real case against submitting to the request.

“Further, Ms. Psaki is a private citizen, who has published her insight into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan for public consumption and personal profit,” McCaul wrote. “Ms. Psaki’s duty to appear before Congress is manifest, and her former employer’s desire to avoid congressional oversight is not relevant.”

The Daily Caller added that Rep. McCaul offered Psaki her choice of three dates she would appear to testify before the Committee – June 26, July 9, or July 23 – and gave her until June 12 to respond.

While Psaki may want to continue spreading her propaganda about the Biden regime’s failures, she is – at least, in this case – finally being held accountable for the lies she’s spewed.

In addition to the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s demand that she testify, Psaki was also forced to release a statement in which she revealed that “detail in a few lines of [Say More] about the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints and the ebook.”

Obviously, that’s the sort of decision a publisher makes when they’re forcing a non-fiction writer to retract verifiable lies.

But unfortunately for Jen Psaki, she can’t merely retract her role in helping Joe Biden cover up the failure that resulted in the deaths of 13 American soldiers, and countless others.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.