Smartphones have been a gift and a curse.
One downside is that people use their cameras at the worst times.
And police officers are urging Florida tourists not to risk death for this insane reason.
Don’t poke the depressed bear
Walton County, Florida, on the state’s panhandle is bustling with activity this summer as tourists flock to the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico.
But residents and tourists alike have been warned by law enforcement not to let the desire for the perfect vacation picture put their lives in danger.
A black bear has been sighted loitering on the side of the road on Highway 98 on Santa Rosa Beach.
People have been stopping to take selfies with the bear because it does appear to be stimulated by humans.
Crowds had been gathering around the bear to take photos.
The bear simply hangs out near a telephone pole on the highway, which led some to speculate that the bear is depressed.
The Walton County Sheriff’s Office issued a warning on social media not to take selfies with the bear because it was becoming too frequent.
The department warned, “Onlookers were trying to take selfies with the bear, and he’s clearly not in the mood for pictures . . . PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH black bears at any time. Especially those that are showing aggression like this big fella.”
Under normal circumstances, common sense would dictate that people should steer clear of a bear.
However, common sense is in short supply these days.
Black bear has got the blues
The Walton County Sheriff’s Office stated that the bear was suffering from depression.
“Famous last words, ‘If not friend, why friend shaped?’ Because this black bear is stressed depressed lemon zest,” the sheriff’s office claimed.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) dispatched biologists to deal with the bear after its newfound celebrity status.
But when they got there, the bear was nowhere to be found.
A FWC spokesperson said, “FWC bear biologists and officers responded to the location after being contacted by Walton County Sheriff’s Office deputies, but by that time, the bear had dispersed and walked off into the adjacent woods.”
The FWC downplayed the possibility of the bear suffering from depression.
“The bear did not appear to be injured based on images shared with our staff; it may have just been overheated and was resting before moving on,” the FWC spokesman continued.
Needless to say, making the bear feel cornered by surrounding it for selfies was a terrible idea according to the FWC.
“Crowding around any bear is never recommended, as bears can become defensive when threatened; it is best to always give bears as much space as possible,” the FWC added.
Black bears are more active in springtime and summertime, and younger ones leave their mothers to venture out on their own.
The situation proved that people these days are willing to risk death in order to get a cool pic for the ‘gram.
Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.