Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre one question that triggered a jaw-dropping response

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre have had testy exchanges during briefs.

Jean-Pierre can expect to get hammered with tough questions from Doocy.

But Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre one question that triggered a jaw-dropping response.

Peter Doocy takes on Karine Jean-Pierre 

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre held her first press briefing in light of Joe Biden dropping out of the race and tapping Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor.

When it came time for Jean-Pierre to call on Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, he immediately pressed Jean-Pierre on Harris’ disastrous tenure as Biden’s border czar.

“[S]he’s been in charge of root causes of migration for years,” Doocy started.

“She has never spoken with the Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens or the Border Patrol chief before him, Raul Ortiz. What should that tell us about her leadership style?” Doocy questioned.

Jean-Pierre, along with the Democrat-controlled media, tried to gaslight the American people and pretend that Harris was never actually the border czar.

“She was supposed to be doing root causes dealing with diplomacy,” Jean-Pierre responded. “Diplomacy. That’s what her job was supposed to be. Diplomatic. That’s the job.”

White House correspondents frustrated

Doocy sat quietly after Jean-Pierre gave her response.

That led to Jean-Pierre following up and asking Doocy if he had any more questions.

This rankled Newsmax reporter James Rosen, who felt that others should get a chance to ask a question.

“You control the briefing room, not Peter. Come on,” Rosen said sharply.

Doocy said to Jean-Pierre, “One more.”

“Unbelievable,” Rosen stated.

Picking up on Rosen’s frustration, Doocy began, “I get that you don’t—”

“It’s good to see you, too, James,” Jean-Pierre responded sarcastically.

Doocy then asked his follow-up question.

Reporters like Rosen from smaller outlets like Newsmax often feel boxed out of the White House press briefing, no matter who is the acting Press Secretary.

Legacy media outlets get called on during every single briefing, so their networks have content for nightly news broadcasts.

Reporters from major print publications such as The New York Times and the Associated Press always get a question, too.

Rosen and correspondents from less prominent outlets rarely get a crumb from the press secretary.

That disparity in the ability to ask questions for someone like Rosen, who reports for a conservative organization, is even more glaring with a leftist Press Secretary like Jean-Pierre.

Jean-Pierre struggles to answer questions and often mindlessly shuffles through her giant binder that she carries around.

Reporters from right-leaning outlets are more likely to ask tougher questions that Jean-Pierre cannot handle effectively, so she pretends they don’t exist.

Doocy and his fellow Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich get called on every briefing because Jean-Pierre knows that ignoring Fox News would create a media story in and of itself.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.