Kamala Harris made one totalitarian threat that will make your blood run cold

Lawrence Jackson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is running a “joyful” campaign to distract the public from the truth.

She is a San Francisco socialist running as a pretend-moderate.

And Harris made one totalitarian threat that will make your blood run cold.

Kamala Harris the same fire-breathing radical

Democrat Party bosses knifed Joe Biden in the back because his poll numbers were too low after his horrid debate performance against Donald Trump.

Since then, Vice President Kamala Harris has been gifted the Democrat Presidential nomination.

Despite being the most unpopular Vice President in history, the Democrats and their media allies have tried to rebrand her as Barack Obama 2.0.

But Harris is nothing new.

She ran for President in 2020, and did not even make it to the Iowa Caucus despite a big push from the media.

One reason why Harris sank was because she was a wild-eyed leftist.

Now Harris is flip-flopping via campaign staffers in hopes of fooling the public into thinking she’s a moderate.

But as Harris demonstrated in 2020, she serves the interest of leftist elites.

She promised to pull patents from companies that did not comply with her top-down orders.

Harris pledges to “snatch” property

During a 2019 campaign event, Harris said to the crowd, “I will snatch their patent, so that we [the government] will take over. Yes, we can do that! . . . The question is do you have the will to do it? I have the will to do it!”

Harris was discussing prescription drug prices, threatening to pull patents if pharmaceutical companies did not charge “fair market” prices, which is the go-to move of leftists who know nothing about economics.

They just blame companies of price-gouging.

Harris ranted, “My plan as a candidate for president on the issue of drug prices is as follows: We are going to set drug prices based on fair market. So essentially what we’re going to do. . .is set drug prices so that American consumers are charged a price for drugs that is the average price that’s being charged around the globe.”

The rest of the world freeloads off of the United States, just as Harris’ pals at the big pharmaceutical companies like it.

They know that if foreign countries were forced to pay prices that were based on a “fair market,” their socialized health systems would implode.

And they know there’s no threat of Harris supporting something that would actually lower drug prices such as getting rid of Obamacare or ending government freebies in the name of healthcare.

Therefore, Americans are getting stiffed with the bill.

Harris continued, “If people don’t want to cooperate with that, I’m also going to do the next thing, which is this. A lot of drugs, prescription medication, was born out of federal funding for the research and development of that drug. Your taxpayer dollars. So for any drug where they failed to play by our rules, and if that drug came about because of federal funding for what’s called R&D, research and development, I will snatch their patent, so that we will take over.”

This is the definition of fascism.

What Harris actually means by “snatch” is take the patents and redistribute the rights to her cronies.

And what she means by “play by our rules” is giving those patent holders a choice; either rush to the market with a potentially dangerous or ineffective product, or lose out.

The great irony of Harris’ proposal is that, in addition to the government inorganically raising demand with government handouts, the second biggest reason why some drugs are so expensive is because of the arcane regulatory environment.

For instance, coverage mandates do not only require Americans to have insurance, they require that various policies pay for procedures and drugs that not every patient needs, and they differ in each single state.

Government regulation increases the cost of healthcare, and not just prescription drug prices.

Democrats and RINOs alike showed during the pandemic that they have zero interest in standing up to Big Pharma.

People must not fall for the bait-and-switch.

Harris is the same radical she was in 2019.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.