Kamala Harris has been able to avoid scrutiny from the so-called mainstream media.
Journalists will do anything to stop the Orange Man.
But Fox News just exposed one horrible mistake that could keep Kamala Harris out of the White House.
Kamala Harris owns Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan
When Joe Biden decided to withdraw from Afghanistan in the most calamitous way possible, Kamala Harris boasted that she was the “last person in the room.”
With the United States involved in multiple hot wars, a strong Commander-in-chief is more important than ever, and Harris was “the last person in the room” for a military decision that got 13 American service members killed.
Special Forces Operator Tim Kennedy appeared on Fox Business to detail his experience with one of the fallen service members who was killed in a suicide bomb attack at the Kabul International Airport.
The commercial airport was inexplicably used for the evacuation instead of the bigger and more secure Bagram Airfield.
“Seeing their faces hurts. I was with one of the members that morning, the day of the attack,” Kennedy said.
Kennedy said that one of the fallen soldiers volunteered for duty at the airport in order to help refugees flee from the Taliban.
Kennedy added, “She volunteered to come and help search the refugees that were bringing on to the airbase to try and fly them out. And she’s woken up in the middle of the morning, came out and was searching and in the middle of the most dangerous day perhaps even during the whole entire time that we’re in Afghanistan.”
Kennedy explained that his friend died after working a 12-hour day and then volunteering for another 12-hour shift at the Kabul International Airport.
He continued, “She gets out of bed after she’d been working 12 hours, she has another 12-hour shift, and she volunteers her time, and then a few hours later she dies to Abbey Gate.”
More failed policies
Kennedy said that the bombing at the Kabul International Airport, where 13 service members died, haunts him and other Americans who served.
“It hurts still to this day as it hurts so many service members,” Kennedy confessed.
Biden never said the names of the 13 service members killed at Abbey Gate, and got caught looking at his watch more than once during the transfer ceremony when their bodies were returned.
However, what bothered Kennedy the most is that in three years since that horrific day, Kamala Harris never put forward a change in direction.
Harris is campaigning as a continuation of Biden’s awful policies that got 13 Americans killed.
Kennedy concluded, “And you know it’s not just the way that they talk, it’s the policies that they fail to enforce and even worse the policies that they put forth as solutions that we know are just complicit and weak. They put forth as solutions that we know are just complicit and weak. The rest of the world looks at us and we are crumbling on our position in the world stage is being broken down.”
Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.