Americans can thank Kamala Harris for one horrible surprise hitting their pocketbooks

SecretName101, CC BY 4.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s economic policies have been a disaster.

Kamala Harris is promising to do the same, only more of it.

And Americans can thank Harris for one horrible surprise hitting their pocketbooks. 

Electric bills skyrocketing thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

Joe Biden is trying to make the Green New Deal a reality with insane energy policies during his regime.

And Vice President Kamala Harris was the reason he was able to pass over $1 trillion worth of spending on their “green” boondoggle.

As the President of the Senate, Harris was the tie-breaking vote in the 50-50 Upper Chamber of Congress for the first two years of the Biden administration.

Unreliable and cost-inefficient “green” energy has been a focus of the Biden-Harris regime, which has put an added burden on everyday Americans.

That has contributed to the 40-year-high inflation that is showing in areas such as electric bills.

Bureau of Labor Statistics data found that the cost of electricity has jumped by approximately 30% since January 2021.

That is more than double the rate of inflation over that same time span.

Electricity prices increased only 5% over the past seven years before the Biden-Harris regime came into power.

Those prices are still outpacing the rate of inflation. 

And according to energy experts, the problem is only going to get worse.

“Green” energy leading soaring costs

Electricity Transmission Competition Coalition Chair Paul Cicio explained to Fox Business that electrical rates “are going to continue to escalate at a faster and faster pace.”

Utility companies are being forced to increase spending on expensive new transmission lines with the increase in wind and solar power in order to bring them onto the electrical grid. 

However, Biden’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission doesn’t allow for competitive bidding to build new transmission lines.

“The high costs that we’ve been experiencing are monopoly utilities building transmission lines without having to bid them out,” Cicio continued.

That cost is being passed on to consumers in the form of higher electric bills each month.

Cicio said, “We have already seen the escalation of transmission costs having an impact, and it’s going to just continue to spiral higher and higher . . . In building these transmission lines, which has escalated the cost of electricity, there hasn’t been competition.”

The $1 trillion Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – a cornucopia of “green” energy giveaways to cronies – passed in 2022 with the tie-breaking vote of Harris is also contributing to the increase in electrical rates.

Power the Future founder Daniel Turner explained, “In that law, Joe Biden and his supporters celebrated the passage of the largest green energy slush fund in history and all it is delivering are higher prices across the board.”

Reliable coal and natural gas-fired power plants are being replaced by wind and solar energy sources that are being propped with federal tax credits from the IRA, plus fossil fuels are still needed to backstop wind and solar.

The sun does not always shine and the wind does not always blow, so these “green” energy sources cannot be relied upon on their own.

Having reliable sources of backup power such as natural gas creates more costs.

California, which has gone whole-hog on “green” energy, witnessed the cost of residential electric bills increase by 170% from 2020 to 2024.

The American people are stuck with rising power bills thanks to the “green” energy scheme of the Biden-Harris regime.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.