CNN might as well be an extension of the Democrat Party.
Yet the network portrays itself as right down the middle.
And all hell broke loose at CNN when one guest called out the network’s treatment of Kamala Harris.
The media running interference for Kamala Harris
The press has become an unregistered Democrat super PAC for Kamala Harris’ campaign ever since she replaced Joe Biden at the top of the ticket.
Journalists have done yeoman’s work to uplift her campaign with fawning puff pieces.
Manhattan Institute President Reihan Salam called out the Democrat-controlled media for refusing to ask “tough questions” about Harris’ “left-wing record” during a CNN appearance after she replaced Biden.
Salam said, “There was a brief moment for about three weeks, between the presidential debate and between when Biden stepped out of the race, when actually a lot of the media was doing its job, it was holding powerful peoples’ feet to the fire . . . It was asking tough questions.”
The network turned its fire on Biden in an attempt to bully him out of the Presidential race, which came as a shock to him because he was accustomed to getting treated with kid gloves.
Salam continued, “There are a lot of folks who were really embarrassed by not having been applying more scrutiny . . . And now what you see, is a total suspension of that scrutiny.”
Salam then posed some questions that inquiring minds want to know.
“And I think a lot of people want to see the media doing its job. Let’s ask serious questions about Kamala Harris‘ record. Let’s ask about the quite stridently left-wing positions she was taking as recently as 2020, has she really changed her mind? What exactly has she been doing in the White House?” Salam asked.
Harris has been trying to moderate her image, which is why campaign spokesmen have quietly been reversing her old positions, such as banning fracking.
CNN Democrat Party operatives pretending to be objective journalists
CNN host Abby Phillip falsely claimed that she knew Harris’ position because journalists had already probed and learned where she stood.
Harris has not come close to answering a real question from a real journalist in over two weeks.
Salam added, “There are some who are making an earnest attempt to do their jobs . . . But there are a lot of others who I think, frankly, feel a sense of animal spirits and excitement. Biden’s out of the race, now you have someone who is generationally closer, ideologically closer to them. And so there are a lot of folks who I think are really rooting for her.”
The corporate-controlled press might as well be on the Harris payroll.
The media coverage is portraying Harris as if she’s a political rockstar like Barack Obama when he came onto the scene in 2008.
Salam concluded, “And I think that when you’re looking at a lot of conservatives and moderate folks in the broader electorate, they‘re not necessarily seeing the same vigorous scrutiny.”
But Harris has been allowed to skate by.
Fortunately for Donald Trump, he’s used to fighting his opponent and the media at the same time.
Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.