A sheriff made sure that Kamala Harris had a bad day with this shocking confession

CSPAN, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is trying to redo her image now that she’s a candidate for a general election.

Something from her past is going to catch up with her. 

And a sheriff made sure that Kamala Harris had a bad day with this shocking confession. 

Kamala Harris magically becomes pro-law enforcement 

Vice President Kamala Harris launched her political career in 2003 as a pro-crime San Francisco District Attorney.

She helped write the ballot language for Prop 47 as California Attorney in 2014, which turned shoplifting and theft under $950 from felonies to misdemeanors.

That law became a get-out-of-jail-free card for criminals and sent retail theft soaring to epidemic levels in the state.

Kamala’s home city of San Francisco has seen numerous stores shut down from retail theft and those that remain open often keep every item locked down.

She voiced support for defunding the police in 2020 during the left-wing hysteria after George Floyd died. 

And Kamala has a long track record of supporting open borders.

Now that she’s not running in California or a Democrat Primary, she’s singing a different tune in an Election Year. 

Kamala has reinvented herself as a tough prosecutor who locked up criminals during her time in California as the Democrat Presidential nominee.

Tulare County, California Sheriff Mike Boudreaux worked with Kamala when she served as California Attorney General.

He dismissed the idea that she’s pro-police.

Boudreaux said that he would be shocked if any law enforcement agency in the country backed her Presidential campaign.

This is a contrast to former President Donald Trump who has had the backs of law enforcement.

“[Trump] means it when he says that he wants people in this country to be safe, that he wants law enforcement to be able to enforce the rules of the land, the laws of the land that hold people accountable,” Boudreaux explained.

Kamala Harris used the sheriff’s image without permission in a recent ad

Kamala is running a commercial that claims she’s tough on the border and wants to hire more Border Patrol agents.

The ad calls her a “border state prosecutor” and uses footage of her with law enforcement from her time as California Attorney General.

Sheriff Mike Boudreaux was pictured in the ad without his permission and he completely rejected the notion she cares about securing the border.

“In light of a recent political ad put out by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Boudreaux, as well as other local law enforcement, the Sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission, and he does NOT endorse Harris for President or any other political office,” Sheriff Boudreaux told Fox News in a statement. 

“The truth is, Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border,” Boudreaux added.

Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward, who was also featured in the ad without his permission, called Kamala a “hypocrite.”

He said in the scene used in the ad, she showed up, said a few words, and left without talking to anyone.

Kamala Harris thinks that she can fool voters into believing that she’s a candidate who’s standing up for law and order.

Informed American will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

HOT TOPIC: Is Kamala Harris pro-criminal?